Make your free restaurant reservations with immediate confirmation
2593 seats tonight in Bucharest

Bucharest Restaurants Booking

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How does Bookyourtable work?

With Bookyourtable can book a table at one of the restaurants affiliated to our website in real time and completely free. Plan availability is real-time, after you have made your reservation, you will receive a confirmation email and a sms text  instantly and reserved seats are yours. You just have to show up at the restaurant at the time of booking through  and showing the booking confirmation.

Why do we need this site?

Need to book in the middle of the night? On the move and need to make that reservation on your mobile? Or fancy planning your dinner date while at your desk rather than pouring over boring spreadsheets? With BookYourTable you can make that reservation any time, any place, 24 hours a day, seven days a week! You'll receive an instant booking confirmation by email and sms, so no need to pick up the phone or even jot down the details. All you have to do is decide where, what and when you want to eat.
Save money with our great offers
Some people will try to tell you there's no such thing as a free lunch. But at BookYourTable there are free lunches and dinners galore! Just keep an eye out for the promotional texts on our comprehensive restaurant pages and you'll soon spot a smorgasbord of sumptuous offers, like "50% off" or "2-for-1". You can of course book all these instantly and hassle free.
No more wasting your time on the phone calling the restaurant to see available tables.
In a few clicks you can see this even more, you can see the menu, photos, as well the reviews of other users.

I have a different question, how can I find the answer?

Send us your question, suggestions or even complaints, and we will respond as soon as possible. 
Click here to send a message.