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2593 seats tonight in Bucharest

Fidelity Program

What are Points?
By using BookYouTable you can win points with which you can enjoy free lunches or dinners at restaurants.

How to earn Points?
When you register to BookYourTableautomatically receive 50 points.
For each reservation created and honored you receive 100 points. For every review left earn 10 points. Note: you can leave a review only after you have honored your reservation.
All these points are to be accumulated.

Can I lose points?
Yes, absolutely. If you make a reservation at a restaurant and present yourself with a delay of more than 15 minutes (except if the restaurant has decided to withhold your reserved table anyway), or you have not presented at all, you lose all the points accumulated to that point. To avoid losing points, in case you can't get in time to the restaurant, remember that you can cancel the booking with an hour before the time at which you made your reservation. If you have not presented consecutively  at 2 reservations your account will be blocked.

How you can enjoy the points earned?
Once you have reached the threshold of 1,500 points you can benefit from a lunch menu at one of the restaurants affiliated.
With 3,000 points win a dinner for 2 at one of the restaurants affiliated.